— Financial Institution for a better future
To change the world, bold actions have to be taken. In a world where more sustainable investments needs to be made, innovative solutions to redirect investments exist. We have been designing the new identity of Impact Finance Belgium, a pionneer institute helping brands and entrepreneurs find their way to positive societal impact, investing in social and environmental projects good for the planet and the people.

Positive for People + Planet
Finance with societal Impact : a positive sign for people & planet.

Impact Finance Belgium is an independent and not-for-profit organization. Their goal is to mobilize more impact-driven investment, capital and funding to seed and accelerate solutions addressing the needs of people and planet.They raise awareness and build capacity with investors, capital providers and funders on their impact journey.

Based on Coast’s brand concept of ‘Positivity for People, Planet and finance’ (reflecting the advantage of social investing), the new identity is echoed in the unique combination of the ‘+’ and ‘the arrows’ forms. The combination offers a sense of empowerment and positivity to the mark and brand language. The typeface and color combination position the institute as a progressive and trusted partner in the industry.

Blue-toned photography reflects the brand identity, adding to the progressive feel a human and natural touch to the brand universe.