—Transformation through emotion campaign 2022/23
Season 22-23 is a celebration of emotion. A dense narrative about emotion as a power to transform life and the way we interact with nature and elements. From “Like Flesh”, an ecological intake on contemporary opera, to the world classic “Le Barbier de Séville” every opera shows characters on the verge of emotional and physical metamorphosis.

Emotion and the power to transform
The visual interpretation of metamorhosis is the leading thread for season 22-23. From “Like Flesh” to “Le Barbier de Séville”, to name just a few, main characters of this season’s opera’s experience vigorous emotions, leading to inevitable transformation. Our visual interpretation results in image compositions constructed on multiplying, layering and effects. Once asembled, the visual collages of abtsract and real elements create a dense yet subtle reflection of the opera’s plot line(s).
Each opera and concert was designed in motion and print.

The campaign is about emotion as a strong vector of transformation and renewal. The asymmetrical visual compositions offer passersby a moment to reflect and reconnect: with opera and with themselves.
The program cover is all about warm tones and colors softly blending. To maximise the visual impact, the season’s theme was embossed with only the “O” of emotion (the opera’s logo) left white.